Saturday, June 06, 2009


Channel #16 on the box, #47 over the air
Like Univision (WXTV) this station is completely Spanish. Unlike Univison they show non-original programs and movies, mostly from the United States. The problem is the translation. While going to school we are taught Spain-Spanish, growing up in New York you hear Puerto Rican or Dominican Repulic Spanish. This station translate everything into Mexican-Spanish.
That is like watching Irish show with a deep French-Creole Louisiana accent. While it's understandable the entire tone of the show is changed. If I were in California it may be different but I think regional translations should be made for all channels.
Because of this and the fact the signal is weak both on cable and over the air I hardly ever watch this channel.

Started in 1965.

Soaps - Come on they're fun to watch even if you don't know the language.

Local Culture - They will carry a special on Puerto Rico tomorrow as well as the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade on June 14 one of largest parades in the country. Santo Domingo Invita a show that tours Domincan Republic is nice as they give little documentaries of events around that country.

Translation - Not only are they awkwardly translated they don't keep names.
For example: Dennis The Menace Strikes Again is on right now but in the show they call him Daniel. Remembering a Simpsons episode with Luke Perry as a guest star they translated, in Spanish, his name to Robert Redford.

Logo in the corner. National and few local ads. They sponsor a lot of things around the city like parades, festivals, and street fairs (not all in Spanish).

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