Saturday, July 30, 2005

TV Guide: July 31-Aug 6

Don't be fooled although it doesn't say collectors issue there are two covers for this week's TV Guide. The one I have has Ultimate Guide Law & Order on it with Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay on the cover. I believe the other has Danica Patrick on it and says Danica Manica. For Danica fans there is a 3-page article about her and the Firestone Indy 400. For Law & Order fans there is a 7-page article including A-Z facts and a quiz.
Meloni and Hargitay both agree an on screen hook up is a bad idea. Off-screen however the have been on vacation together with their husbands and wives, they also joke of doing it twice just to get over the tension. They admit healthy competition between the other Law & Orders even though SVU(Special Victims Unit) is number one in the ratings. They're bound to do two more years and Hargitay thinks she is destined for comedy. When asked if they'd hook up in the last episode Meloni says no and Hargitay says she wants at least one make out scene before it's over.
Some L&O(Law & Order) facts...

  1. All the shows combined sans commercials are 432.75 hours long.
  2. Guardian ad litem is the chile rep. for those court scenes.
  3. "Jorge, Sunday in the Park With" the only L&O episodes never to be re-aired on NBC. Because the Puerto Rican community would be offended, hmmm NBC, shade of Seinfeld.
  4. "Life Choice" an episode involving abortions and bombing wasn't re-aired until 11 years later and cost NBC $800,000 in ads.
  5. John Munch played by Richard Belzer was on 3 different networks playing the same character, this show X-files and The Beat on UPN.
  6. Matt Damon played a off-screen voice in L&O CI(Criminal Intent).
  7. L&O will beat Gunsmoke as the longest running drama in 2010.
  8. Steve Zirnkilton the voice over in the beginning of SVU and CI.
  9. More fun facts in this issue.
Good things to read inside:
  • People still complaining about Kelly Monaco's win.
  • Ashley Judd visits Africa for AIDS and VH1.
  • Chappelle Show is done according to Charlie Murphy who is holding out for the DVD.
  • LL Cool J will be dying on House.
  • A tour of the Lost locales.
  • They Jeered Big Brother 6, rightfully so.
  • They renewed The Closer.
  • Gary Cole on Wanted on TNT.
  • J. Simpson in Dukes of Hazzard and the Stars and Bars debate.

Don't worry Clay Aiken fans I don't see any TV Guide Gay Aiken references this issue.

1 comment:

Mo' Money Links

Mo" Money

TV is educational. If you can't learn something everyday your box is broken.