Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Attacked TV to Blame

------Cowards I'm Still Not Afraid, -------
------You Won't Change Me -------
London, England was the setting for a highly coordinated series of bombings during rush-hour today. This sad day followed a jubilant celebration Londoners had yesterday when they received the Olympics.
The only ones to blame for the attack are the Muslim terrorist themselves and anyone who helped them pull-off this attack. Their inspiration though was quite obvious, TV.
Imagine that your a terrorist sleeper cell and on July 6 you watch television and you see the happy screaming faces of British citizens as they get the news about hosting the 2012 Olympics. This is enough to push their demented minds over the edge.
All terrorist, Islamic and Fascist, hate that other people are happy. It is not about foriegn policy or invading armies. They want us dead or panicked and when we're not the get angry. See the beautiful happy faces of those Londoners made them angry beyond reason. They would have probably taken the Chunnel and bombed Paris if they won the Olympics.
The only city that could have prevented these attacks would be New York, or any American city. The news said that the U.K. had to deal with direct bombings for the last 60 years and they still can't prevent bombings.


  1. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Right, well, America has been dealing with bombings from it's natives for a long time. England at least only really has the IRA. We have every other nut next door. There is no way ever to prevent anyone who wants to walk into a building with a homemade bomb and kill a ton of people. No American city will ever be totally safe. It is impossible.

  2. True you had the Atlanta bomber, who later hid in the woods for years. But you have to fair even with non-terrorist tragedies the percent of dead and injured Americans is very low even though we are less equiped and trained as other countries.
    Example: Earthquake in Japan kills upto 5,000 they have special building codes, America doesn't all earthquakes combined hasn't killed 5,000.

  3. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Yeah, but, I used to live in Cali and nobody built stuff on the large exposed portions of the San Andreas. Japan built a country on one.

  4. Funny and true, silly Japanese.


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