Sunday, July 10, 2005

Into The West

Loved By The Buffalo is out surveying the lands and finds only remnants of tribes and no people. He sees that the white man's slaughter is still going on despite a peace treaty. Clara Wheeler(Rachael Leigh Cook) met up with long lost relatives who rudely welcomed her after she announced she's now an orphan. She has grown tougher but slowly gets her dream boutique up and running. The rest of the family sinks into pimping and general meanness over money.
Meanwhile photographer Ethan Biggs, played by Daniel Gillies real life husband of Rachael Leigh Cook( aka lucky guy), and his wife Margret Light Shines are confronted with the ugly hatred of the Indians after the restless army comes into town. After the Cheyenne attack their carriage he is saved by his magical photoshop abilities and they become "guests" of the tribe. The army breaks a promise to not make war with the Cheyenne and soon kills most of them including Biggs, they even shoot a tot crying over his moms' corpse. Light Shines then goes with the remain Cheyenne and leaves the Lakota and white nations behind.
Abe Wheeler meets up with some Chinese rail workers and start dynamiting mountains away.
Jacob Wheeler Jr. meets up with and frees his sister,Light Shines, from a military prison and they realize that the railroad and the Natives can not co-exist.
The whites call for the extermination of "the savages" as the transcontinental railroad is spiked finished.
Two more episodes of Into The West as Custer and Wounded Knee loom ahead.

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