Monday, July 11, 2005

Six Feet Under, Not Dead Yet

The big death that people have been blogging about for this episode,The Rainbow Of Her Reasons, never really happened, I think. Ruths' sister friend went hiking and stumbled to her death. While Nate had his first woman appear in the funeral home as a corpse. They were together when he was 15 and she was 32, he bonded with crazy Billy over this. So unless they are saving the major deaths for the finale I see nothing bad here.
On other fronts Keith and David continue to struggle with the two foster brats, those animals destroyed a brand new gaming console.
George figured out that Ruth was dumping him and told her he still loves her. Ruth said oh well at least I have my friends and went on a day trip with them. But wait her friends were only joking about joining a commune and laugh in her face, good.
Ruth and Claire aired out their laundry and said they didn't hate each other. This is good because broke Claire decide to imitate George of Dead Like Me and got an office job where she is the funky outsider who does great work. She also received bad news on her art grant and got dissed by her auntie who pushed her into the arts.
Vanessa asked Fedirco to move back in.

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