Saturday, July 02, 2005

Alternative Channels

No I don't mean the new Logo station which debuted this week in a fairly low key way. I tried watching it after the countdown and the official launch show came on. The first show was basically describing the channels content I got bored and changed, I haven't checked back since.
The real alternative channel I was talking about The Outdoor Channel a channel dedicated to mostly to hunting less to outdoor adventures. They also have lots of racing and off-roading programs. There were two shows that I watched and loved because it brought out the true American in me.
Prospecting America has Perry Massie using different techniques to find gold, the episode I saw had him using a metal detector. It was fascinating since my dream was to retire at 35 and search beaches and old barns for buried treasures ever since I first saw The Goonies and heard of Indiana Jones.
Gold Fever was the second show it also had a couple of Massie's Tom and his young daughter. They dove into creeks and came up with gold nuggets. At the end of the show Tom got a little preachy on how activists are trying to deprive people of the joy of prospecting. While he made a very valid point and I would love to prospect if only a few people do this it's fine but if there is a modern day "gold rush" his community would be destroyed.
I like the symmetry of these two channels while most people who love the Outdoor Channel would find Logo repulsive so would the Logo fans about hunting and skinning on the Outdoor Channel.
A tag I'm just testing

When rainbows and gold collide.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:06 PM a LOGO fan, I pretty much find hunting and skinning repulsive. But, the gold mining stuff I would find interesting.

    As for LOGO, they've started introducing new programming. I just watched a couple of programs centered around my old employer GLAAD and I was given goosebumps. It made me remember that I was part of building the new gay rights movement that began in the in early 90s. But, in order for this network to survive, I think it needs to add a whole bunch of new programming that can crossover. I'm even bored of the movies they're showing now.


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