Thursday, September 08, 2005

Reunion: 1986(Pilot)

IMG_0322It starts in present day Bedford, NY. Matthew St.Patrick is Detective Marjorino and they are at a funeral of one of the six friends. Carla is being interrogated and we go to the flashback of 1986.
How do we know it's 1986 well all the damn music. I love 80's music but the constant top ten hits in the show loudly reminds us that this is the 80's.
Will the poor guy knocks up his best-friend's girl and then feels guilty and takes the blame for a DUI death. He goes happily to prison for a year while everyone else moves on.
Maybe it's because college today sapped my energy but I fell asleep three times during this show.
I did stay awake for all of the NFL Kickoff party and Ozzy still rocks.
Back to Reunion next week is 1987 and still looks dull.


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    How do you know about all this tv stuff?

  2. I love TV and even while taking classes I TiVo and record shows on a VCR so sometimes I watch 3 shows at once.
    I do have a life but TV is always. woven in.


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