Monday, January 02, 2006

Monday's Back

Surface: Episode 11
Rich and Laura are out of the water and getting swamped by reporters on the way to the hospital. The duo is trying to outrun the bad guys and at the same time distribute the videotape of the sea monsters. With help from a tech guy they upload the video to the internet and then get an interview with MSNBC.
Laura appears on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and Olbermann makes fun of her story and video but the internet freaks are downloading the vid like crazy.
Along with the MSNBC tie-in the duo went crazy when they see McDonald's.
At the hotel Rich and Laura are about to be caught by some men lurking outside the door.

Meanwhile Miles is all better and goes to see Nimrod and brings the creature back to life. The aquarium brings in an all-star egghead team to study Nim. Miles gets blocked out and turns to a little hot troublemaker who turns out to be the lead egghead's daughter.
The daughter gets Miles to break some rules and gets fired. Miles walks away upset and starts causing electrical problems.

In the previews we see Miles transforming into the creature and the animals being found out to be artificial.

Jackson is still missing.

Las Vegas: Bait and Switch
50 diamonds are lost during a rap video shoot and they get recovered in some nasty place.
Hot Chocolate is a male stripper turning everybody on.
And the guy from Enterprise is cheating at craps.

Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet II
Again someone quits, the hot one Gisela. Mostly crap episode.

From last week Primetime: 2005 Caught On Tape
One thing I like about New York is that we don't have our shows interrupted by police chases and airport mishaps.
The rest of the country especially L.A. sees these go-nowhere chases. Luckily in New York we don't have this or cameras in court rooms, I hate Court TV.

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