Sunday, August 07, 2005

Wonderfalls: Episode 2

"Karma Chameleon" starts out after her Jaye's second mission, which we never find out what it was, we know just that it involved a woman with toilet paper on her shoe.
Jaye Tyler is at dinner with her entire family celebrating her mom's new book. She ids upset because the jacket contains a 5 word blurb,well 4 words and a digit, on her life. She sees a stuffed bass that tells her to get her words out. Still upset after leaving the diner she doesn't notice a young lady who bumped into her stole her wallet and was taking photos of Jaye.
The next day stalker-Bianca gives Jaye back her wallet and claims she is homeless and felt guilty about stealing the wallet. Stalker-Bianca is a stutterer and a plush-chameleon tells Jaye again to get her words out. Jaye believes it's her stuttering that she must fix gets her hire at the shop and start to mentor her. Stalker-Binky, short for Stalker-Bianca, does an excellent job but starts exhibiting traits of Jaye. The next day Jaye comes to work to find Stalker-Binky has straightened her hair and lost her stammering voice and replaced it with Jaye's mannerisms and looks.
They look so much alike that Jaye's father can't tell them apart. Everyone else likes Stalker-Binky but Jaye is suspicious and broke into her van to find the stalkers collection. When Binky finds Jaye she admits she is a reporter for Today's America and plans to write a piece about losers gen-y underachievers.
Jaye is flattered and opens her life to Binky for the 5,000 word article.
The next day Jaye is late for work and gets fired by mouth breather thanks to Binky. Saying that Jaye's life is perfect Binky decides to abandon the writing and takeover Jaye's life ala Single White Female. Jaye remembering the fake animals saying "get the words out" writes Binky's article, submits it and gets a front cover story. She convinces Binky to take credit and they both return to their lives. Jaye gets 5,000 words plus ten more on the book jacket in her mom's new printing.

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