Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sci-Fi Sunday

Yeah I'm late I've got college this will happen more and more. So I'll just give the Cliffs Notes version.
Dead Zone: Babble On
Johnny Smith has a bad HDTV set. He see a man with no face, it's his father. Along with new TV Smith is also getting his house refloored and the dust is causing visions. He learns his dad was a psychic/psycho. his dad and then later Johnny saw a vision of a building exploding. The explosion was one of the coolest I've seen in a while. As usual Smith saves the day and the last scene shows a little Johnny telling his dad of a psychic dream he had, it leaves you wondering did his dad have vision or was he just trying to protect little Johnny.

The 4400: Lockdown
Starts July 28 5:38pm and Tom & Diane in a face-off. Then ten hours earlier the story begins with Maia getting a mystery illness and four returnees waiting for their forced check up. Tom gets a threatening email soon all male-hell is breaking loose. At the NTAC all the guys start going Palmeiro on everybody. They shoot the boss and a lockdown occurs. The new strike team lead by 24 alum Roger Cross goes the most psycho. The agents realize they're under attack and by an angry 4400 in the building. The attacker is doing it in memory of Jordan Collier. One of the geeks counters the effects only after some death and destruction, the young Asian female attacker vanishes in the chaos. Maia is still very sick and Isabelle and Shawn are showing symptoms. We learn that Isabelle can psychically communicate with her parents and does it for each of them at different times upsetting them when they are not talked to. Crazy Kyle beds another hottie.
Two more episodes before the season finale.


  1. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I can't wait for the return of Peter Coyote on The 4400. I'm really curious how they're going to end this season. I view this episode as a transitional one, but it also introduced some major plot points that are going to affect the next two episodes.

  2. It wouldn't surprise me to see Collier back in the last second. But i'm just guessing I'm avoiding all the spoilers.


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