Friday, August 26, 2005

Double Wonderfalls

“Pink Flamingos” when it originally ran on Fox I must of seen this episode half a dozen times. It was the only one I saw. In hindsight this is also the turning point of the show. The first three episodes were straight forward and the animals did not interact, in this one and future episodes they changed there sayings and talked in fuller sentences. I prefer the first three episodes; these seemed forced but still funny.
Jaye starts off her day by running over her father while a pink flamingo tells her to “get off your ass”. At the hospital her dad is having the time of life. When Jaye does return to work her old high school rival is waiting and needs help. With some animal encouragement she agrees to help high-school girl plan a reunion. Black-friend is so upset she plans some revenge. High-school girl’s life is so miserable that black-friend decides not to take revenge but the animals tell Jaye to destroy her. Jaye does and give the High-school drama queen enough courage to start her life over.
They also start showing flash-forwards of other characters.
Jaye’s father finds a blood clot in his leg and Jaye is his hero.

Second episode “Crime Dog” Jaye is in prison for kidnapping and we go back in time to see what lead to this. In short Jaye tries to help her maid after getting her deported to Canada, French-Canada. Jaye learns her maids’ life has been a lie but loves her anyway. The whole family rallies to help the maid and Jaye. Her brother finds her talking to a cow creamer and tries to help. The crime dog is a poster in the police station that also talks to Jaye.


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    I absolutely LOVED the way that they shot "Crime Dog." That scene where they're being transported over the border and they see the sister. The looks that cross their faces are just priceless. I laughed hard during this episode.


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