Monday, July 16, 2007

John From WTF

John From Cincinnati: His Visit Day Five
Wow! Cissy is an incestuous-kid-toucher who gave her son a hand and landed him into a heroin hell.
Yet that wasn't the weirdest thing that happened.

John astral-projected his self all over the place. First to help Cissy not kill herself then to Cass to tale her camera then to finally to Linc and finally a rambling monologue with future and past colliding.

Here's his speech I got from Closed Captioning and Steve Hawks blog:

"If my words are yours, can you hear my Father? Can Bill know my Father, keeping his eye on me? Can I bone Kai and Butchie know my Father instead?

"My Father's shy doing his business. Kai helps my Father dump out. Bill takes a shot. Shaunie is much improved.

"Joe is a Doubting Thomas. Joe will save Not-Aleman. Joe will bring his buddies home. This is how Freddy relaxes. Cup-o'joe, and Winchell's variety dozen.

"Mitch catches a good wave. Mitch wipes out. Mitch wipes out Cissy. Cissy shows Butchie how to do that. Cissy wipes Butchie out. Butchie hurts Barry's head. Mister Rollins comes in Barry's face. My Father runs the Mega-Millions.

(After meeting up with Cass)

"Fur is big. Mud is big. The stick is big. The word is big. Fire is huge. The wheel is huge. The line and circle are big. On the wall, the line and circle are huge. On the wall, the man at the wall makes a man from the circle and line. The man at the wall makes a Word on the wall from the circle and line. The Word on the wall hears my Father.

"The zeroes and ones make the Word in Cass's camera. In the Word on the wall that hears my-Father-in-Cass's-camera, the good one Mitch catches doesn't wipe Cissy out. In the-Word-that-hears-my-Father, Cissy shows Butchie something else. In-my-Father's-Word, Cissy shows Butchie in Shaun. In-my-Father's-Word, Tina raises Shaun at lunch. In Cass's-camera, Butchie lays the court out for Barry, and Mister Rollins watches, and he doesn't come on Barry's face. In Cass's-camera, Butchie knows Kai kept the faith. In-my-Father's-Word, the Wave lifts them up.

(After bill talks)

"In Cass's camera, Bill doesn't bump his head on the stairs. In Cass's-camera, as long as he's being stupid, Bill gives Lois a kiss.

(After bill talks and plays)

"In His-Word-in-Cass's-camera, the Internet is big. 9-11 is big, but not every towel-head is eradicated. In His-Word, We are coming 9-11-14.

"In my-Father's-Word, Bill sees how Freddy relaxes. In Cass's-camera, Ramon wants to know who's hungry, in the courtyard and Room Forty-Five.

"In my-Father's-Word-to-come-in-Cass's-camera, Doctor Smith calls Ocean Properties. In Cass's-camera-to-come, my Father stares Not Aleman down, and Freddy sees Bill much-improved.

"You will not note my-Father's-Word, nor remember Cass's-camera, but you will not forget what we did here."

(low booming)
This is a form of non-linear story telling but since this is HBO and the ratings are not that great I'm worried the story John tried to tell won't fully play out. There are clues of what is to come about characters we don't know yet. But what is with the low booming, bombs, fireworks, or something worse?

Kyle XY: Does Kyle dream of electric fish?
Adam goes a long way to show Kyle that Tom Foss can't be trusted.

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