Thursday, June 09, 2005

Freaks and Geeks

The Inside:

The prettiest bunch of government agents you've seen in a while track and capture freaks who kill. In the pilot Supervisory Agent Webster and his 4 underlings are tracking an 8 time serial killer when he gets a call on victim number 9. Victim #9 is one of their own and they need a replacement. Coming straight from agent school Agent Locke, no one likes the new girl. They get a video feed of victim #10 and follow the cables but are too late. They use Locke as bait, flush out the serial killer and kill him. That was all just standard FBI show dribble. The twist of this series Rebecca Locke is not her original name she changed it to avoid all the questions people ask her when when they know her real name because she was kidnapped and held for 18 months during her childhood, by a yet to be named psycho, and escaped on her own. Webster signed off on her psych test without evaluating it. Adam Baldwin is on the show so that's half the reason to watch it.

Beauty and the Geek:

Episode 2 had the beauties growing closer to the geeks. The girls had an automotive challenge and the guys had to massage the ladies. During the quiz the two women aced their auto challenge, the guys struggled with their spa questions confirming my suspicions that these aren't true nerds like in The Scholar instead they are spazy-loser-geeks, they were all afraid to touch girls.In the same vain I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing but the beauties are not that beautiful. Joe and Erika were kicked out and they cried about leaving. Oh also either Richard is the greatest actor on the WB or he's the saddest person alive.

Old not dead: An Update
After the suprising plug pulling of WCBS FM in New York as I wrote the change to Jack FM is permanent and most of the on-air personalities were fired. One of whom, Cousin Brucie, has signed on to Sirius Satellite Radio and will premiere a oldies show on July 4th.

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