Saturday, August 24, 2013

Superman/Batman: Apocalypse

Maybe it is working with young people or the fact I have a new Netflix accounts but I have been watching an abnormal amount of cartoon movies. Working with teens and twenty-somethings you miss a few of their references and most is music and movies. Comic book movies and young adult novels movies are the worst but I have been trying to give them a chance.

Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
This has Supergirl making her debut and then Apocalypse and friends make things complicated. Not as violent as a Marvel comic movie but still some bad deaths. I do enjoy the rich story lines and the animation is cool. Aside from that nothing stands out, you always know the good guys win.

After the movie they have another DC showcase short but those are much worse. The feature is all you need to watch because the DC universe is too big to explore in one night.

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