Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Surface: Episode 3

"Surface," 8 p.m. EDT Monday, NBC the best of rest.

After watching Threshold, Night Stalker, Invasion and Supernatural I realized they all suck compared to Surface. The show started out at a undersea vent. A small team of scientist go to investigate a newly found deep hole. The little sub is attacked and the government steps in and find a big bite on the sub. The one person in the sub is single mom/scientist Laura Daughtery, Lake Bell, 26, she has been fired and blacklisted and took a job as a waitress to pay bills but continues to investigate the mystery.

Miles is a teenage boy who with a friend found an egg, brought it home and hatched a little monster. The creature only eats live food and has electrical properties. The creature named Nimrod is all seeking heat.

Richard Connelly a part time diver lost his brother while diving. His brother speared the monster and it dragged him into the blue deep. Richard is now hearing visions of his brother in bodies of water.

Dr. Aleksander Cirko, played by Rade Serbedzijais, 59, the government genius who has possession of a dead monster and is blocking the truth from the public. He tries to laser the dead monster open and has a tough time doing it and one colleague is badly injured. The colleague is splashed with the creatures blood and is miraculously cured.
There are bigger problems, all over the world volcanic activity increases and after sending a probe 35 miles down a volcano's tube we see a glimpse of the monster swimming in lava.

The show is great except for the computer effects, they need either puppets or a bigger budget.

What is truly great is they continue story lines like why can't a laser go through it's skin; answer it lives in the magma under the Earth. Also they show the monster and the effects all the volcanoes are having on Earth.

The scene where a boat gets sucked into a newly formed sinkhole was cheesy looking but a great concept.

It's a freaking lava monster! I hope they answer two questions I have:

  1. What did the monster eat before it surfaced from under the Earth's crust?
  2. Why was the mother getting $4.25 an hour when minimum wage is $5.15?


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I really really like this show. It's the monster show i really wanted ever since Lost came out. The only thing i'm concerned about is how long they can keep this momentum up since they revealed the monster so early.

  2. It seems to be going smoothly, I think the monster is a seecondary part to the bigger problem of global change.
    Maybe the monster is intelligent and causing the change or there maybe be other things at work.

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Like I've said, I love this show. I agree with your commenter John about keeping the momentum up, though. And, I agree with you that I think this monster is intelligent. Look at Serendipity...I mean, Nimrod. It's exhibiting almost dog like intelligence at that stage, so who knows how intelligent it will be when it's 1,000s of feet long!

  4. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Seems to have that Close Encounters search going for a while...


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