Tuesday, September 24, 2013

CBS Monday Night Premieres

Except for Merritt Wever winning and her short speech the Emmys were just typical.

How I Met Your Mother: The Locket / Coming Back
This is going to be a long weekend. They establish that "The Mother" is adorable and perfect in every way. Ted is stalking Robin, again. Marshall is doing a road trip with Sherri Shepard.  Then on the second half Robin seems more insecure then Barney. Overall some nice moments but too much foreshadowing.

2 Broke Girls: And the Soft Opening
The writers threw every genital joke they saved up over the break into this one episode. I missed this show and glad it is back but they still have Jennifer Coolidge doing the worse character currently on TV.

Mom: Pilot
Horrible women use alcoholism as an excuse for their messed up lives. Maybe there is more to the story but the canned laughs made it distracting. I prefer show without a studio audience so I need to get use to other people laughing at stuff that not funny.
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